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OFProcess Class Reference

A class for stream-like communication with a newly created process. More...

#import <ObjFW/OFProcess.h>

Inheritance diagram for OFProcess:
OFStream OFObject <OFReadyForReadingObserving> <OFReadyForWritingObserving> <OFCopying> <OFObject>

Instance Methods

(id) - initWithProgram:
 Initializes an already allocated OFProcess with the specified program and invokes the program. More...
(id) - initWithProgram:arguments:
 Initializes an already allocated OFProcess with the specified program and arguments and invokes the program. More...
(id) - initWithProgram:programName:arguments:
 Initializes an already allocated OFProcess with the specified program, program name and arguments and invokes the program. More...
(id) - initWithProgram:programName:arguments:environment:
 Initializes an already allocated OFProcess with the specified program, program name, arguments and environment and invokes the program. More...
(void) - closeForWriting
 Closes the write direction of the process. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from OFStream
(bool) - isAtEndOfStream
 Returns a boolean whether the end of the stream has been reached. More...
(size_t) - readIntoBuffer:length:
 Reads at most size bytes from the stream into a buffer. More...
(void) - readIntoBuffer:exactLength:
 Reads exactly the specified length bytes from the stream into a buffer. More...
(void) - asyncReadIntoBuffer:length:target:selector:
 Asynchronously reads at most size bytes from the stream into a buffer. More...
(void) - asyncReadIntoBuffer:exactLength:target:selector:
 Asynchronously reads exactly the specified length bytes from the stream into a buffer. More...
(void) - asyncReadIntoBuffer:length:block:
 Asynchronously reads at most ref size bytes from the stream into a buffer. More...
(void) - asyncReadIntoBuffer:exactLength:block:
 Asynchronously reads exactly the specified length bytes from the stream into a buffer. More...
(uint8_t) - readInt8
 Reads a uint8_t from the stream. More...
(uint16_t) - readBigEndianInt16
 Reads a uint16_t from the stream which is encoded in big endian. More...
(uint32_t) - readBigEndianInt32
 Reads a uint32_t from the stream which is encoded in big endian. More...
(uint64_t) - readBigEndianInt64
 Reads a uint64_t from the stream which is encoded in big endian. More...
(float) - readBigEndianFloat
 Reads a float from the stream which is encoded in big endian. More...
(double) - readBigEndianDouble
 Reads a double from the stream which is encoded in big endian. More...
(size_t) - readBigEndianInt16sIntoBuffer:count:
 Reads the specified number of uint16_ts from the stream which are encoded in big endian. More...
(size_t) - readBigEndianInt32sIntoBuffer:count:
 Reads the specified number of uint32_ts from the stream which are encoded in big endian. More...
(size_t) - readBigEndianInt64sIntoBuffer:count:
 Reads the specified number of uint64_ts from the stream which are encoded in big endian. More...
(size_t) - readBigEndianFloatsIntoBuffer:count:
 Reads the specified number of floats from the stream which are encoded in big endian. More...
(size_t) - readBigEndianDoublesIntoBuffer:count:
 Reads the specified number of doubles from the stream which are encoded in big endian. More...
(uint16_t) - readLittleEndianInt16
 Reads a uint16_t from the stream which is encoded in little endian. More...
(uint32_t) - readLittleEndianInt32
 Reads a uint32_t from the stream which is encoded in little endian. More...
(uint64_t) - readLittleEndianInt64
 Reads a uint64_t from the stream which is encoded in little endian. More...
(float) - readLittleEndianFloat
 Reads a float from the stream which is encoded in little endian. More...
(double) - readLittleEndianDouble
 Reads a double from the stream which is encoded in little endian. More...
(size_t) - readLittleEndianInt16sIntoBuffer:count:
 Reads the specified number of uint16_ts from the stream which are encoded in little endian. More...
(size_t) - readLittleEndianInt32sIntoBuffer:count:
 Reads the specified number of uint32_ts from the stream which are encoded in little endian. More...
(size_t) - readLittleEndianInt64sIntoBuffer:count:
 Reads the specified number of uint64_ts from the stream which are encoded in little endian. More...
(size_t) - readLittleEndianFloatsIntoBuffer:count:
 Reads the specified number of floats from the stream which are encoded in little endian. More...
(size_t) - readLittleEndianDoublesIntoBuffer:count:
 Reads the specified number of doubles from the stream which are encoded in little endian. More...
(OFData *) - readDataWithCount:
 Reads the specified number of items with an item size of 1 from the stream and returns them as OFData. More...
(OFData *) - readDataWithItemSize:count:
 Reads the specified number of items with the specified item size from the stream and returns them as OFData. More...
(OFData *) - readDataUntilEndOfStream
 Returns OFData with all the remaining data of the stream. More...
(OFString *) - readStringWithLength:
 Reads a string with the specified length from the stream. More...
(OFString *) - readStringWithLength:encoding:
 Reads a string with the specified encoding and length from the stream. More...
(nullable OFString *) - readLine
 Reads until a newline, \0 or end of stream occurs. More...
(nullable OFString *) - readLineWithEncoding:
 Reads with the specified encoding until a newline, \0 or end of stream occurs. More...
(void) - asyncReadLineWithTarget:selector:
 Asynchronously reads until a newline, \0, end of stream or an exception occurs. More...
(void) - asyncReadLineWithEncoding:target:selector:
 Asynchronously reads with the specified encoding until a newline, \0, end of stream or an exception occurs. More...
(void) - asyncReadLineWithBlock:
 Asynchronously reads until a newline, \0, end of stream or an exception occurs. More...
(void) - asyncReadLineWithEncoding:block:
 Asynchronously reads with the specified encoding until a newline, \0, end of stream or an exception occurs. More...
(nullable OFString *) - tryReadLine
 Tries to read a line from the stream (see readLine) and returns nil if no complete line has been received yet. More...
(nullable OFString *) - tryReadLineWithEncoding:
 Tries to read a line from the stream with the specified encoding (see readLineWithEncoding:) and returns nil if no complete line has been received yet. More...
(nullable OFString *) - readTillDelimiter:
 Reads until the specified string or \0 is found or the end of stream occurs. More...
(nullable OFString *) - readTillDelimiter:encoding:
 Reads until the specified string or \0 is found or the end of stream occurs. More...
(nullable OFString *) - tryReadTillDelimiter:
 Tries to reads until the specified string or \0 is found or the end of stream (see readTillDelimiter:) and returns nil if not enough data has been received yet. More...
(nullable OFString *) - tryReadTillDelimiter:encoding:
 Tries to read until the specified string or \0 is found or the end of stream occurs (see readTillDelimiter:encoding:) and returns nil if not enough data has been received yet. More...
(bool) - isWriteBuffered
 Returns a boolean whether writes are buffered. More...
(void) - setWriteBuffered:
 Enables or disables the write buffer. More...
(void) - flushWriteBuffer
 Writes everything in the write buffer to the stream.
(void) - writeBuffer:length:
 Writes from a buffer into the stream. More...
(void) - writeInt8:
 Writes a uint8_t into the stream. More...
(void) - writeBigEndianInt16:
 Writes a uint16_t into the stream, encoded in big endian. More...
(void) - writeBigEndianInt32:
 Writes a uint32_t into the stream, encoded in big endian. More...
(void) - writeBigEndianInt64:
 Writes a uint64_t into the stream, encoded in big endian. More...
(void) - writeBigEndianFloat:
 Writes a float into the stream, encoded in big endian. More...
(void) - writeBigEndianDouble:
 Writes a double into the stream, encoded in big endian. More...
(size_t) - writeBigEndianInt16s:count:
 Writes the specified number of uint16_ts into the stream, encoded in big endian. More...
(size_t) - writeBigEndianInt32s:count:
 Writes the specified number of uint32_ts into the stream, encoded in big endian. More...
(size_t) - writeBigEndianInt64s:count:
 Writes the specified number of uint64_ts into the stream, encoded in big endian. More...
(size_t) - writeBigEndianFloats:count:
 Writes the specified number of floats into the stream, encoded in big endian. More...
(size_t) - writeBigEndianDoubles:count:
 Writes the specified number of doubles into the stream, encoded in big endian. More...
(void) - writeLittleEndianInt16:
 Writes a uint16_t into the stream, encoded in little endian. More...
(void) - writeLittleEndianInt32:
 Writes a uint32_t into the stream, encoded in little endian. More...
(void) - writeLittleEndianInt64:
 Writes a uint64_t into the stream, encoded in little endian. More...
(void) - writeLittleEndianFloat:
 Writes a float into the stream, encoded in little endian. More...
(void) - writeLittleEndianDouble:
 Writes a double into the stream, encoded in little endian. More...
(size_t) - writeLittleEndianInt16s:count:
 Writes the specified number of uint16_ts into the stream, encoded in little endian. More...
(size_t) - writeLittleEndianInt32s:count:
 Writes the specified number of uint32_ts into the stream, encoded in little endian. More...
(size_t) - writeLittleEndianInt64s:count:
 Writes the specified number of uint64_ts into the stream, encoded in little endian. More...
(size_t) - writeLittleEndianFloats:count:
 Writes the specified number of floats into the stream, encoded in little endian. More...
(size_t) - writeLittleEndianDoubles:count:
 Writes the specified number of doubles into the stream, encoded in little endian. More...
(size_t) - writeData:
 Writes OFData into the stream. More...
(size_t) - writeString:
 Writes a string into the stream, without the trailing zero. More...
(size_t) - writeString:encoding:
 Writes a string into the stream in the specified encoding, without the trailing zero. More...
(size_t) - writeLine:
 Writes a string into the stream with a trailing newline. More...
(size_t) - writeLine:encoding:
 Writes a string into the stream in the specified encoding with a trailing newline. More...
(size_t) - writeFormat:
 Writes a formatted string into the stream. More...
(size_t) - writeFormat:arguments:
 Writes a formatted string into the stream. More...
(bool) - hasDataInReadBuffer
 Returns whether data is present in the internal read buffer. More...
(bool) - isBlocking
 Returns whether the stream is in blocking mode. More...
(void) - setBlocking:
 Enables or disables non-blocking I/O. More...
(int) - fileDescriptorForReading
 Returns the file descriptor for the read end of the stream. More...
(int) - fileDescriptorForWriting
 Returns the file descriptor for the write end of the stream. More...
(void) - cancelAsyncRequests
 Cancels all pending asynchronous requests on the stream.
(void) - unreadFromBuffer:length:
 "Reverses" a read operation, meaning the bytes from the specified buffer will be returned on the next read operation. More...
(void) - close
 Closes the stream. More...
(size_t) - lowlevelReadIntoBuffer:length:
 Performs a lowlevel read. More...
(void) - lowlevelWriteBuffer:length:
 Performs a lowlevel write. More...
(bool) - lowlevelIsAtEndOfStream
 Returns whether the lowlevel is at the end of the stream. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from OFObject
(id) - init
 Initializes an already allocated object. More...
(OFString *) - className
 Returns the name of the object's class. More...
(OFString *) - description
 Returns a description for the object. More...
(nullable void *) - allocMemoryWithSize:
 Allocates memory and stores it in the object's memory pool. More...
(nullable void *) - allocMemoryWithSize:count:
 Allocates memory for the specified number of items and stores it in the object's memory pool. More...
(nullable void *) - resizeMemory:size:
 Resizes memory in the object's memory pool to the specified size. More...
(nullable void *) - resizeMemory:size:count:
 Resizes memory in the object's memory pool to the specific number of items of the specified size. More...
(void) - freeMemory:
 Frees allocated memory and removes it from the object's memory pool. More...
(void) - dealloc
 Deallocates the object. More...
(void) - performSelector:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector after the specified delay. More...
(void) - performSelector:withObject:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector with the specified object after the specified delay. More...
(void) - performSelector:withObject:withObject:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector with the specified objects after the specified delay. More...
(void) - performSelector:onThread:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread. More...
(void) - performSelector:onThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread with the specified object. More...
(void) - performSelector:onThread:withObject:withObject:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread with the specified objects. More...
(void) - performSelectorOnMainThread:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the main thread. More...
(void) - performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the main thread with the specified object. More...
(void) - performSelectorOnMainThread:withObject:withObject:waitUntilDone:
 Performs the specified selector on the main thread with the specified objects. More...
(void) - performSelector:onThread:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread after the specified delay. More...
(void) - performSelector:onThread:withObject:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread with the specified object after the specified delay. More...
(void) - performSelector:onThread:withObject:withObject:afterDelay:
 Performs the specified selector on the specified thread with the specified objects after the specified delay. More...
(nullable id) - forwardingTargetForSelector:
 This method is called when resolveClassMethod: or resolveInstanceMethod: returned false. It should return a target to which the message should be forwarded. More...
(void) - doesNotRecognizeSelector:
 Handles messages which are not understood by the receiver. More...
(OFString *) - stringBySerializing
 Creates a string by serializing the receiver. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from <OFObject>
(bool) - isKindOfClass:
 Returns a boolean whether the object of the specified kind. More...
(bool) - isMemberOfClass:
 Returns a boolean whether the object is a member of the specified class. More...
(bool) - respondsToSelector:
 Returns a boolean whether the object responds to the specified selector. More...
(nullable IMP) - methodForSelector:
 Returns the implementation for the specified selector. More...
(nullable const char *) - typeEncodingForSelector:
 Returns the type encoding for the specified selector. More...
(nullable id) - performSelector:
 Performs the specified selector. More...
(nullable id) - performSelector:withObject:
 Performs the specified selector with the specified object. More...
(nullable id) - performSelector:withObject:withObject:
 Performs the specified selector with the specified objects. More...
(bool) - isEqual:
 Checks two objects for equality. More...
(uint32_t) - hash
 Calculates a hash for the object. More...
(id) - retain
 Increases the retain count. More...
(unsigned int) - retainCount
 Returns the retain count. More...
(void) - release
 Decreases the retain count. More...
(id) - autorelease
 Adds the object to the topmost OFAutoreleasePool of the thread's autorelease pool stack. More...
(id) - self
 Returns the receiver. More...
(bool) - isProxy
 Returns whether the object is a proxy object. More...
(bool) - allowsWeakReference
 Returns whether the class allows weak references. More...
(bool) - retainWeakReference
 Retain a weak reference to this object. More...
- Instance Methods inherited from <OFCopying>
(id) - copy
 Copies the object. More...

Class Methods

(instancetype) + processWithProgram:
 Creates a new OFProcess with the specified program and invokes the program. More...
(instancetype) + processWithProgram:arguments:
 Creates a new OFProcess with the specified program and arguments and invokes the program. More...
(instancetype) + processWithProgram:programName:arguments:
 Creates a new OFProcess with the specified program, program name and arguments and invokes the program. More...
(instancetype) + processWithProgram:programName:arguments:environment:
 Creates a new OFProcess with the specified program, program name, arguments and environment and invokes the program. More...
- Class Methods inherited from OFObject
(void) + load
 A method which is called once when the class is loaded into the runtime. More...
(void) + unload
 A method which is called when the class is unloaded from the runtime. More...
(void) + initialize
 A method which is called the moment before the first call to the class is being made. More...
(id) + alloc
 Allocates memory for an instance of the class and sets up the memory pool for the object. More...
(id) + new
 Allocates memory for a new instance and calls init on it. More...
(Class) + class
 Returns the class. More...
(OFString *) + className
 Returns the name of the class as a string. More...
(bool) + isSubclassOfClass:
 Returns a boolean whether the class is a subclass of the specified class. More...
(nullable Class) + superclass
 Returns the superclass of the class. More...
(bool) + instancesRespondToSelector:
 Checks whether instances of the class respond to a given selector. More...
(bool) + conformsToProtocol:
 Checks whether the class conforms to a given protocol. More...
(nullable IMP) + instanceMethodForSelector:
 Returns the implementation of the instance method for the specified selector. More...
(nullable const char *) + typeEncodingForInstanceSelector:
 Returns the type encoding of the instance method for the specified selector. More...
(OFString *) + description
 Returns a description for the class, which is usually the class name. More...
(nullable IMP) + replaceClassMethod:withMethodFromClass:
 Replaces a class method with a class method from another class. More...
(nullable IMP) + replaceInstanceMethod:withMethodFromClass:
 Replaces an instance method with an instance method from another class. More...
(nullable IMP) + replaceClassMethod:withImplementation:typeEncoding:
 Replaces or adds a class method. More...
(nullable IMP) + replaceInstanceMethod:withImplementation:typeEncoding:
 Replaces or adds an instance method. More...
(void) + inheritMethodsFromClass:
 Adds all methods from the specified class to the class that is the receiver. More...
(BOOL) + resolveClassMethod:
 Try to resolve the specified class method. More...
(BOOL) + resolveInstanceMethod:
 Try to resolve the specified instance method. More...
(id) + copy
 Returns the class. More...

Detailed Description

A class for stream-like communication with a newly created process.

Method Documentation

◆ closeForWriting()

- (void) closeForWriting

Closes the write direction of the process.

This method needs to be called for some programs before data can be read, since some programs don't start processing before the write direction is closed.

◆ initWithProgram:()

- (id) initWithProgram: (OFString *)  program

Initializes an already allocated OFProcess with the specified program and invokes the program.

programThe program to execute. If it does not start with a slash, the search path specified in PATH is used.
An initialized OFProcess.

◆ initWithProgram:arguments:()

- (id) initWithProgram: (OFString *)  program
arguments: (nullable OFArray *)  arguments 

Initializes an already allocated OFProcess with the specified program and arguments and invokes the program.

programThe program to execute. If it does not start with a slash, the search path specified in PATH is used.
argumentsThe arguments to pass to the program, or nil
An initialized OFProcess.

◆ initWithProgram:programName:arguments:()

- (id) initWithProgram: (OFString *)  program
programName: (OFString *)  programName
arguments: (nullable OFArray *)  arguments 

Initializes an already allocated OFProcess with the specified program, program name and arguments and invokes the program.

programThe program to execute. If it does not start with a slash, the search path specified in PATH is used.
programNameThe program name for the program to invoke (argv[0]). Usually, this is equal to program.
argumentsThe arguments to pass to the program, or nil
An initialized OFProcess.

◆ initWithProgram:programName:arguments:environment:()

- (id) initWithProgram: (OFString *)  program
programName: (OFString *)  programName
arguments: (nullable OFArray *)  arguments
environment: (nullable OFDictionary *)  environment 

Initializes an already allocated OFProcess with the specified program, program name, arguments and environment and invokes the program.

programThe program to execute. If it does not start with a slash, the search path specified in PATH is used.
programNameThe program name for the program to invoke (argv[0]). Usually, this is equal to program.
argumentsThe arguments to pass to the program, or nil
environmentThe environment to pass to the program, or nil. If it is not nil, the passed dictionary will be used to override the environment. If you want to add to the existing environment, you need to get the existing environment first, copy it, modify it and then pass it.
An initialized OFProcess.

◆ processWithProgram:()

+ (instancetype) processWithProgram: (OFString *)  program

Creates a new OFProcess with the specified program and invokes the program.

programThe program to execute. If it does not start with a slash, the search path specified in PATH is used.
A new, autoreleased OFProcess.

◆ processWithProgram:arguments:()

+ (instancetype) processWithProgram: (OFString *)  program
arguments: (nullable OFArray *)  arguments 

Creates a new OFProcess with the specified program and arguments and invokes the program.

programThe program to execute. If it does not start with a slash, the search path specified in PATH is used.
argumentsThe arguments to pass to the program, or nil
A new, autoreleased OFProcess.

◆ processWithProgram:programName:arguments:()

+ (instancetype) processWithProgram: (OFString *)  program
programName: (OFString *)  programName
arguments: (nullable OFArray *)  arguments 

Creates a new OFProcess with the specified program, program name and arguments and invokes the program.

programThe program to execute. If it does not start with a slash, the search path specified in PATH is used.
programNameThe program name for the program to invoke (argv[0]). Usually, this is equal to program.
argumentsThe arguments to pass to the program, or nil
A new, autoreleased OFProcess.

◆ processWithProgram:programName:arguments:environment:()

+ (instancetype) processWithProgram: (OFString *)  program
programName: (OFString *)  programName
arguments: (nullable OFArray *)  arguments
environment: (nullable OFDictionary *)  environment 

Creates a new OFProcess with the specified program, program name, arguments and environment and invokes the program.

programThe program to execute. If it does not start with a slash, the search path specified in PATH is used.
programNameThe program name for the program to invoke (argv[0]). Usually, this is equal to program.
argumentsThe arguments to pass to the program, or nil
environmentThe environment to pass to the program, or nil. If it is not nil, the passed dictionary will be used to override the environment. If you want to add to the existing environment, you need to get the existing environment first, copy it, modify it and then pass it.
A new, autoreleased OFProcess.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following files: